Fireside Chat with Senior Care Pharmacy Coalition – What’s on the Agenda Related to Long-Term Care

DATE: Thursday, August 19, 2021
Noon – 1 p.m. CST


The Senior Care Pharmacy Coalition (SCPC) is the voice of the long-term care pharmacy community, advocating for them along with the patients they serve to ensure their interests are represented in public policy discussions at all levels.  Coming out of an unprecedented challenge faced by the entire long-term care industry, join this webinar to hear what’s on the legislative agenda that will affect the marketplace moving forward.

This webinar will first provide an overview of proposed policies related to drug pricing, COVID-19, and vaccines that will affect business practices and place economic pressure on all providers. Then the focus will shift to legislative proposals that are relevant specifically to skilled nursing and assisted living providers.

Join this webinar to:

  • Get an overview of what’s on the federal agenda for the next two years related to skilled nursing and assisted living

  • Understand the effect on long-term care and how providers can prepare for proposed changes

  • Gain insight into how to influence the legislative agenda

Alan serves as President & CEO of the Senior Care Pharmacy Coalition (SCPC), the only trade group in Washington dedicated exclusively to the political and public policy interests of long-term care pharmacies. He helped a small group of pharmacies to create the SCPC in October 2014. During his tenure, SCPC assured that legislation to address the opioid crisis recognized the unique characteristics of the LTC patient population and appropriate application to LTC pharmacies, supported market efforts to improve payments and reduce administrative burdens for LTC pharmacies under Medicare Part D and persuaded the FDA to modify regulatory requirements that would have undermined care for patients in LTC facilities.

SCPC represents more than 400 LTC pharmacies caring for more than 850,000 residents in nursing homes and other LTC settings across in all 50 states.

Alan has spent his entire professional career in health care, including stints as President of the Alliance for Quality Nursing Home Care, President and CEO of the Pennsylvania Health Care Association, and Acting President, Executive Vice President and Chief Operating Officer of LeadingAge. He began his career as a health care lawyer in Philadelphia, with a particular focus on representing long term providers.

Alan received a Juris Doctor from the University of Pennsylvania, where he served as Associate Editor of The Law Review and studied public policy at the Wharton School.  He received his undergraduate degree from the University of Massachusetts, graduating summa cum laude with a degree in English literature.

Brian joined Forum in 1993, serving as Director of Operations before becoming the company’s President in 2002. Under his leadership, Forum has become one of the most highly respected LTC pharmacies in the country. Drawing on a unique background that combined long-term care, pharmacy, information technology, and business, he has transformed Forum into a vibrant leader in pharmacy services.

Brian’s experience includes hands-on work in LTC as a licensed Nursing Home Administrator. His career as a Registered Pharmacist spans more than 35 years in hospital, retail, and LTC pharmacy consulting and dispensing.

He has a Bachelor of Arts degree in Biology and Chemistry from Knox College, a Bachelor of Science degree in Pharmacy from the University of Illinois-Chicago, and holds a Master’s in Business Administration, with a concentration in Information Systems, from Roosevelt University.

Brian served on the Illinois Governor’s Advisory Committee on Electronic Healthcare Records (EHR) and is a member of the American Society of Consultant Pharmacists, the American Society of Hospital Pharmacists, the Illinois Pharmacist Association—LTC section, the National Council for Prescription Drug Programs (NCPDP), and the American Society for Automation in Pharmacy.

Currently, Brian is the President and Director of the Illinois Association of LTC Pharmacy Providers and is a Founding Board Member and Vice Chair of the Board of the Senior Care Pharmacy Coalition.

Nursing ― This program has been approved for one clock hour of continuing education credit by The Illinois Board of Nursing, an approved sponsor of continuing education by the Illinois Department of Professional Regulation.

Administrators ― This program has been approved for one hour and fifteen minutes of continuing education by the National Continuing Education Review Services (NCERS) of the National Association of Long-Term Care Administrator Boards (NAB) – Approval #20221017-1.25-A78496-DL

PLEASE NOTE: Attendees must submit their documentation directly to their respective state boards, associations, or licensing agencies. Forum Extended Care Services provides CE certificates only to attendees.


Alan G. Rosenbloom, J.D., BA,
Alan G. Rosenbloom, J.D., BA, President & CEO of the Senior Care Pharmacy Coalition
Brian Kramer, BS, BA, RPh, MBA,
Brian Kramer, BS, BA, RPh, MBA,President & Chief Information Officer, Forum Pharmacy

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