The focus on professional development in senior care may not be the priority as providers continue managing the COVID-19 pandemic, but it remains a requirement to maintain professional accreditation and certification. To provide opportunities to gain continuing education credits, Forum Extended Care Pharmacy has converted its highly successful live webinars that offer free credits to an on-demand platform.
Currently 11 on-demand programs are available, with new additions each month as part of Forum’s monthly webinar series for nursing professionals and administrators. Topics in 2021 include “The COVID Vaccine – Where We Are and What to Expect,” “Rebuilding Census After COVID-19,” and “Medicare Survey Support.”
“We fully understand how critically important professional development is not only for our own employees, but for the administrators and nurses in the industry we serve. Everything changed this year as providers focused on managing COVID-19 and we wanted to make sure they had a convenient and easy way to gain educational credits,” said Pamela Kramer, Executive Vice President at Forum.
The full listing of on-demand programs, as well as live monthly webinars, is available on the Forum website. To register for any of the live or on-demand sessions, go to