Simplify Drug Regimens During COVID-19 To Lower Risk For Seniors

Checking Pharmaceutical Pill Bottles
Published On: May 18th, 2020Categories: COVID-19Tags:

Simplify Drug Regimens During COVID-19 To Lower Risk For Seniors

Managing medications for older adults with complex health conditions and polypharmacy is particularly challenging during COVID-19. According to a paper by an international group of pharmacologists, medication errors and medication-related problems are more likely and can lead to significant negative outcomes.

Clinicians are urged to be vigilant and cautious in managing medications, including simplifying drug routines wherever possible. This will help reduce adverse drug events, maintain supply inventory and shortages, facilitate infection prevention, and reduce the quantity of personal protective equipment needed by healthcare workers who are administering medications.

Specialized long-term care pharmacies are a valuable resource for providers in helping manage medications and providing oversight on drug regimens. These services should be included as part of the contract and providers are advised to check with their representatives for support.

Click here to read the paper published in The Journals of Gerontology: Series A.