Vaccines Reduce Long-Haul COVID Risk by 80%

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Published On: September 20th, 2022Categories: COVID-19Tags:

COVID-19 vaccines reduce the risk of long-term effects of the virus by up to 80%, according to a new study. Shortness of breath was reduced by 80%, while persistent muscle pain dropped by 66%, and fatigue and limb weakness were each reduced by 62%.

In the study, of the 39 symptoms and diagnoses reported by COVID-infected patients, 90% of these issues were reported less commonly among individuals who received at least two doses of vaccine when compared with unvaccinated people. At the same time, compared with unvaccinated individuals, those who had received two doses were 36% – 73% less likely to report eight of the 10 most common symptoms of the virus: fatigue, headache, limb weakness, muscle pain, loss of concentration, hair loss, insomnia, dizziness, persistent cough, and shortness of breath.

The authors suggested that their study indicates that vaccines not only protect against COVID infection but also the sometimes life-changing impact of the virus. They urged additional study, as it is still uncertain what happens to patients’ physical and mental health in the months and years after COVID-19 infection.

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