The Opioid Crisis in Perspective

Forum Opioid Crisis In Perspective

Opioid abuse continues to be one of the worst public health problems in the United States. A recent study was the first to look at medication theft in long-term care settings, recommending that providers increase their efforts to address medication theft and protect residents’ rights for adequate and timely pain relief.

In an analysis of 107 state health department investigation reports involving “drug diversion,” the researchers found that an average of more than 30 tablets per resident were stolen, and 97.5% of them were controlled substances. The most common controlled substances stolen were opioids (94%), including oxycodone, hydrocodone, tramadol, hydromorphone, and morphine. 

Even with strict regulations and safeguards, opioid misuse and diversion continues. Consider the true story of a physician serving a skilled nursing community to put this national crisis in perspective within the walls of long-term care.

Even with strict regulations and safeguards, opioid misuse and diversion continues. To put this national crisis in perspective within the walls of long-term care, complete the form to download the info sheet and case study, The Opioid Crisis in Perspective, and consider the true story of a physician serving a skilled nursing community.